

Past Events


TechX2021 Virtual Reality

Launched as a virtual event, TechX2021, this now "always on" futuristic, virtual reality environment - TechXTown - provides public safety and technology innovators with a realistic digital twin of a city in which an infinite number of crises and day-to-day activities can be developed and innovative technology applied to demonstrate best-in-class solutions that solve the most minute to the most intricate public safety challenges.


Larger and more experiential than ever, OCR2019 was again hosted at the Guardian Centers and saw the expansion of the technology innovations to more than 130 demos in six live-action, first responder enacted crisis scenarios that attendees toured through curated, public safety SME led journeys that began in coordinating vignettes in the more robust Solutions Showcase and examined our Ready, Respond, Recover, Rebuild crisis lifecycle from start to finish.


The original, innovative Operation Convergent Response (OCR) in June 2017 at the Guardian Centers in Perry, GA. An experiential events disruptor, OCR2017 was the first to uniquely demonstrate the power of 30+ technology solutions at the moment of crisis in live-action scenarios.

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